Sunday 12 December 2010

Everything you give with love

Last year at this time I was working in a Primary school in North London, predominantly non-English native children, predominantly Muslim, many Turkish, Somali or East African. Still at Christmas, it is tradition to do a Christmas play, a nativity or something like it. What I loved about North Harringay is that they did not insist that the plays be nativities, and in fact chose beautiful plays to put on.

The younger children did a show called Babushka, an adaptation of a Russian folktale, about an older woman who obsessively cleans to fill a hollow place in her heart. She learns from the traveling kings, who ask for rest in her home, and an angel pasing her window that a baby has been born in a dirty stable in Bethlehem, a special child. Mortified at the thought of the child born in a dirty stable, she packs a doll, a blanket and a bottle of cordial as gifts, as well as some cleaning products so she can clean the stable. Following the new and brightest star, she begins her journey.

On the way, she meets a little girl with no toys. To her she gives the doll. She meets an elderly couple weary from their journey, and to them she gives the cordial to drink. And as she is nearing Bethlehem, she meets a shepherd boy who is cold in the night and to him she gives the blanket.

When she arrives at the stables, she has no gift to give the baby Jesus. She almost turns away, when Mary calls to her, and invites her in. Babushka realizes that the baby in the manger has the doll by his side, is sleeping on the blanket, and Mary and Joseph bring her a glass of cordial. The children sing:
"Everything you give with love, you give to him: AMAZING.
Everything you say with love, you say to him: Amazing.
Everything you do with love, you do for him,
because he is love.
Yes, he is Love."

I have been thinking about the practice of bhakti, (practice does not seem exactly like the right word...) and this Christ consciousness, or this true understanding of love, incarnate.

My all time favorite book is Franny and Zooey, by JD Salinger. It to embodies this sense that if we attach to the external, beauty gets parsed into intellectual exercises, the great thinkers reduced to phony ego serving activities. And that even prayer can become that when its intention is not aligned. Franny in the throws of her own mental drama, comes to realize that it is not only through becoming reclusive and praying, or breaking down inside, that she can best serve. And her greatest service was in the actions, for her acting. And that in the moments of doubt, to do it for someone else, someone with little else, is what true inspiration is. Or more accurately, where she can eventually find peace and rest.

Like Babushka, when you make offering to anyone, you give to all. When you act in service of of any one aspect of humanity it becomes manifest in the greater sphere. And like Franny, if you act as service, it aligns you to love in the complete, universal and unconditional kind. We stop separating ourselves and start acting in alignment, both with our own particular role in the human incarnation, and with the entire universal energy.

Its about doing and acting from love. It is about doing what is required now. It is about loving that role.
It is about creating with the christ consciousness of unconditional love, with detachment from return. Or with simple knowing that the urge to keep acting, praying, living, being is the return message. (Rumi)

So this year, at this time, I am meditating and thinking through the messages come through from the universe, through the language ofo the emotions and the heart. What successes are coming, where I feel most aligned and content? Where has love comes through, and given courage? How to not discriminate in my own actions so that they become in service of the highest good of all.

Obey, serve, Love, Excel. Obey, Serve, Love, Excel. Thank you teachers in every form you come, from children's stories, to yoga gurus, to sages disguised as beggars, to messages from the heart.
Hari Om, Tat Sat.
Om Shanti.
Love and Peace to all.