Saturday 23 April 2011


there is so much that has happened in the last few months (i almost wrote 'there is so much that happened in the next few months', which may be some kind of preminition...) so i feel very behind with writing on the blog. Never mind, I will start here from today with some abbreviated reflections on March and April, and then move forward into May. Time feels SOSOSOSOOO FAST at the moment. I am lucky for that.

The theme for March was innocence. So in the practice, I was exploring new ways to warm up, sequence, poses I have not done in a while, or not ever. But really what happened in that month, especially towards the end of the month was so much new information, major changes to the way that I practice, the way that I think, and the capacities I have to heal and work in my life. It's amazing how intention creates reality, and I truly feel like I have been able to approach my patterns with new eyes, deep innocence and therefore greater potential for transformation.

With so much newness, I went straight in Vipassana retreat in early April. I know feel like I am reeling with so much information and connection. It is beautiful and inspiring, wow. And it has been very difficult. So April is a short month, and as AstroZo says, time to integrate and eat brownies. Ok done.

Among the effects of the Vipassana was a deep, deep physical rest. This rest has indeed unwound some of the physical patterns that have shaped my movement for the last... while... So at the moment I feel both deeply week and depleted, like there are no reserves in the tank, but also very liberated from the patterns that were. Maybe in this time emotions, patterns that were constantly re-patterned into my physicality will have a chance to let go. it certainly feels that some have already, and some are on the edge.

So I am deeply thankful for this time of change and emergence. Among the things that I am noticing is that I feel like my brain is learning new thought patterns and is literally rewiring. With that comes a feeling like I am learning to run. Sometimes after a few minutes, i feel a sort of physical fatigue in my mind. Ultimately, learning new ways of thinking, or in this case transcending thinking will be such a gift.

So I am off to train, in the form of a one hour, saturday night meditation. woo hoo. what a life. but I feel so thankful and it is bringing such beautiful learning.

Nice to be back online.
Hari Om, Tat Sat.
Om Shanti, and all my love to all.

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