Saturday 9 January 2010

Two Threads, an introduction

Two threads was the name for a blog I chose a while ago, thinking it would be about a performance that I was then working on. The blog never took off then, and neither did the show. The name seemed right though for me at this moment, thinking about weaving together the threads of my current life, education and yoga, and how that will ultimately resolve into one larger integrated picture. The two threads, like the ida and pingala nadis interplay through this journey. Eventually what will be revealed is that central chord, sushumna, where the two energies interplay, carrying energy from root source to infinite expression.

Yoga on the mat is a dance of energy, where it moves into form. My practice is feeling deeply into this body while moving through the forms of hatha vinyasa and the forms of kundalini practice. Here in this body, I weave the two threads the detail and the freedom, the external technique and the internal play. On the mat, the hands rise, these feet ground, this navel consolidates, this heart radiates. I sail on the four winds and find unity with each breath. Hands together in front of heart, palm to palm, the two hands each holding and feeding the other. I lean towards the great divine. The great divine supports back. I weave the threads to make one.

Yoga off the mat is the dance of energy where it moves out of form. My practice is to surf through the ocean of experience where challenge meets ease, where fear battle love, and love bows in return. This morning I wake up to a journey where I move forward and the world moves back. This evening I question and get no answer back. There is no hand to grip, no form to hold onto, no signpost, no measuring stick. I lean in with trust that I am held. I cry in the fear of the dark. And take another small step.

Two threads is the beginning of a new journey. The yoga of writing. The yoga of teaching. The yoga of yoga. The yoga of everyday life. There is no difference of course between what is on and off the mat. There is no mat, there is no yoga, there is no spoon. Nevertheless, in this human existence there is the great fear, the great sadness, the great uncertainty and illusion of separation that clouds true understanding. I am writing to share, and writing to understand all that is, all that I am, all that I fear and all that I love.

Hari Om Tat Sat.

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