Thursday 1 July 2010

Jumps for June

I am so CORNY, I can't believe. But yes, here it is, the wrap up from jumps for June, our great theme of the month in my classes. Some really interesting things happened in my teaching and in my practice. What started as an exploration of lightness in the practice, of bandha and jumps forward and back became an exploration of the lower triangle of energy centres, root, sacral and naval chakras. In the practice it looked like the ha-tha of the openness and connection of hips, inner legs and mula bandha, and lower abdominal muscle wall. It looks like Titthibhasana, drawing in to lift up. It looks like deep straddles with pelvic and abdominal contractions like agni sara. It looks like I need rootedness with my hip opening, and flow with consolidation. It feels like power in the base to elevate to higher consciousness. It feels like I know what might come next.

So as June was consolidation in the lower triangle, July will be about making space, creating length.

Here is a flow as it came tonight:
This body. this space, this universe.
This site of interconnection.
This life energy pulsing.

This potential, this flow. In and out. In through body spaces and out through pores, that almost nonexistent boundary between you and all. It pours in, it seeps out.
This is life, this flow. This is space. This is you, which is not fixed but ever dynamic, ever potential, ever spacious if you feel its vastness.

Your body is a universe of space. Light years of space.

Feel yourself breathing into that space. breathing to expand that space. In this space you are completely yourself. without the limits of labels and thoughts, projections and identifications.

Take a moment to reflect on anything in your life that stops you from being exactly and completely yourself, and question whether you can move it, gently. in this space, nothing is permanent, nothing is fixed. We are dynamic and every changing, moment to moment, day to day, year to year. So what can be moved now, in this moment to create more space for you, yourself, that spirit, that Atma to make itself present and alive in this life.

This is my intention for July; length and space and truth and light. The long days of summer, the letting be, the letting grow. The who am I in all I do.
Hari Om, Tat Sat.

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